Tuesday, November 6, 2007

HW 28 "Letter to Riverbend"

Dear Riverbend-
As a requirement for my A Blog of One’s Own Thinking and Writing class, I am writing a letter to you to discuss your recent posting from August 17th- August 30th 2003. The way you write about what is occurring all around you doesn’t make it seem as bad as I know it really is. The way you are able to incorporate a sense of wit and funniness into such a serious act happening all around you is unbelievable.
One part you discussed that I found to be the most interesting considering I am from America is your argument about your hatred for the U.S. troops. It seems like they are completely invading your privacy and you can’t do anything without being questioned. It’s extremely crazy how girls have to wear skirts to look less suspicious. I feel that your lack of independence that you and other women have is slowly diminishing since the war. I hate the fact that young children are being affected. Their not allowed to go to school and is wrong that their education has to be an effect of the fighting that is going on around you. It really bothers me how all the innocent people who have done nothing wrong are having such negative outcomes. It’s unfair and it’s very brave of you that you are able to take it on such a light note and make positivity of what is going on around you and your family. I admire your courageous acts and way of putting things in a lighter way.


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