Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HW 24 "Have you got a room of your own?"

Have you got a room of your own? A room of your own in comparison to Virginia Woolf’s story is not a typical room in a modern day lifestyle living as a woman. Women these days are considered just as equal as men and have the same rights in everything. Back at the time period when this book takes place, women have pretty much have no rights compared to males. They seem to be owned by men and are the property of them. Sexism at this time was still occurring and made it seem that men can say and do one thing but for women it’s a completely opposite story. Now that it is 2007, times have changed. I can have a room of my own. My room is full of equality and I am free to do what I want, when I want. “I had come at last, in the course of this rambling, to the shelves which holds books by the living; by women and by men; for there are almost as many books written by women now as by men” ( Pg. 79 Chp. 5 Woolf, Virginia). By this time in the story, this statement and the next one that I quoted from chapter 6 is how my life in my room will be right now. “And the fact that the ordinary sight of two people getting into a cab had the power to communicate something of their own seeming satisfaction (Pg. 96 Chp. 6 Woolf, Virginia).

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