Thursday, September 6, 2007

HW 2 "Burstein's 12 key Ideas.."

“Blog will continue to be important in politics for a long time to come”.
In this blog entry it discusses how blogs are beginning to become more important than the actual media when it comes to the presidential campaigns, for example. They have more important things to say about the elections and can actually influence the votes when the elections are pretty equal. They discuss how blogs are an interesting part of the campaign coverage.
I find it interesting to have blogs when it comes to politics because on a good note, they can be very supportive in helping the running politicians. It can influence the American voters with whom they choose by giving them more realistic ideas of who is a better choice to be working for our country. I can relate to this blog because now that I am 18 years old I am of legal age to vote. I feel that by reading blogs online about the presidential elections I can get a more fulfilling idea of who is the better choice.
Many people assume that the media is always correct when it comes to the elections. I have come to realize through reading “Blog” by David Kline that you can’t always believe what you read in the media. Bloggers are becoming more precise with their entries which make me comfortable with the fact that I can get a better knowledge of elections by reading them.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

This meets the requirements of the assignment, relating an idea in the text to an interest of your own.
It's good to mention the name of the text and the author's name right at the beginning of your writing, so readers know what you're talking about even if they aren't familiar with the assignment.